In the most tragic of cases, medical negligence can lead to death. Should a claim arise from such circumstances, it is known as a “Fatal Accident Claim”. Our sensitive team understands how devastating it can be to deal with the aftermath of a death caused by medical negligence. Sometimes there is a post mortem and an Inquest, but not always. Families are often left with unanswered questions and in severe financial hardship. Fatal accident claims can often result in families getting the answers they need and can help to ease the financial burden.
The purpose of a compensation award in a fatal accidents claim is to try to put the dependants of the person who has died back in the financial position they would have been in, but for the negligence. It is usually the executor named in the Will who has the right to bring a claim on behalf of the family. If the person who died did not leave a Will, then a personal representative will bring the claim. We can discuss this further with you.
The types of compensation which can be claimed when there has been a fatal accident include: